General Information

Principal: Lynn Boland Asst. Principal: Lori May

Address:   601 Avenue C SE
Winter Haven, FL 33880

Phone:  (863) 863-291-5300
Lunchroom:  (863) 863-291-5306
Clinic:  (863) 863-291-5308

Hours:  7:45AM - 4:00PM (School Office Hours)

Bell Schedule

7:45 - 8:12 – Students begin arriving.

8:15 – School start time.

2:45 - 3:00 p.m.: Dismissal begins - Students must be picked up no later than 3:20 pm.

Students at Brigham Academy are chosen through a lottery system. Polk County's "Open Enrollment" period.This is when parents complete an application to place their child /children into a pool of applicants for selection. In the spring, the applicants are drawn through a lottery system. For those students who are not selected to attend that year, parents may reapply the following year. If a parent does not have access to a computer to complete the application, our office has one available for parents to complete the application online. Check the Polk County website for open enrollment periods.

Our Mission

Mission Statement:

The mission of Brigham Academy is to ensure rigorous, relevant learning experiences that result in high achievement for all students. Students will excel in all areas of academic learning by utilizing cooperative teaching strategies and a project-based learning approach while focusing on high expectations and critical thinking skills. We will develop principled, caring, lifelong learners who demonstrate respect for themselves and others in the world around them.

Vision Statement: